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以前お仕事をさせていただいた、コンテンポラリー・イタリアン・レストラン「ベルニーニ・ホノルル」が、新聞社ホノルル・スターアドバタイザー主催のイリマアワード2011において「Best New Restaurant – Critic’s Choice(レストラン評論家が選ぶ今年度にオープンした最も素晴らしいレストラン)」を受賞。


BERNINI HONOLULU, which is from my last Spring project, won the Ilima Awards for The Best New Restaurant 2011, presented by the Honolulu Star Advertiser.

The chef KENGO MATSUMOTO and his business partner MOTOYO KOYATA are so happy to receive such a big prize for their new restaurant.  As their pleasure, they have promised to put even more efforts on food and services for their guests.

Try the special dishes and experience the world stylish ambience at Bernini Honolulu.


THE ILIMA AWARD 2011-2012 :

1218 Waimanu Street, Honolulu
HI 96814 | 808-591-8400
TEL 808-591-8400